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La réalité virtuelle et la réalité augmentée, quels impacts sur l’apprentissage? Une revue de la littérature
Les études sur l’utilisation des technologies virtuelles en éducation offrent de nombreuses possibilités, soulèvent également des désavantages et controverses. L’article de Lewis, Plante et Lemire (2021) présente un état de […]
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Posted by michelb
8 avantages de la réalité virtuelle pour former des professionnels
La réalité virtuelle (VR) est cette fascinante technologie qui permet à l’utilisateur de s’immerger dans un monde de synthèse dynamique et adaptatif
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Augmented Reality: Where to Start
Augmented reality (AR) is a new technology for many eLearning developers. Although the ability to access AR from mobile devices has made the barrier to entry for using AR relatively low, for developers it can be overwhelming to know where to start. In this article, I will introduce some of the basics.
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Posted by michelb
Virtual Reality Training Is Transforming the Workplace
While virtual reality is not new technology, the way in which virtual reality is being adopted and utilized by enterprise organizations is evolving rapidly. What was once a medium primarily used for teenagers to slash fruits and swipe boxes that approached in rapid succession has now become a medium in which brands can eliminate risk for dangerous professions and avoid injury overall by using digital twins.
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Posted by michelb
Metaverse Cheat Sheet 1
How technology is shaping learning in higher education
Students and faculty want to continue using new classroom learning technologies adopted during COVID-19, but institutions could do more to support the shift.
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Posted by michelb
Augmenter la réalité : Industrie 4.0 | Segment | Découverte
En entreprise, on utilise la réalité augmentée pour améliorer la productivité sur les chaînes de montage.
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Posted by michelb
Blended Learning: 5 Best Practices
Blended Learning is a highly effective training strategy that is often misunderstood. In this blog, we dispel five frequent misconceptions that people have about blended learning.
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Posted by michelb
Virtual learning or hybrid learning: How do we choose?
To go virtual or to go hybrid? That is the question for many L&D practitioners in today's working world. Erica Farmer shares tips on how to make the right decision and avoid agreeing to something you might regret!
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Posted by michelb
Le Métaverse arrive dans la formation en entreprise
Sur le lieu de travail, la réalité virtuelle (VR) et la réalité augmentée (AR) peuvent être utilisées pour la formation, les réunions de travail et pour améliorer l’expérience du service client.
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Posted by michelb